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17 Reasons Why You Should Ignore Fireplace Wall Mount
Choosing a Fireplace Wall Mount

A fireplace wall mount could be a good option if you want to add an element of focal point that is centered around the fire to your living area without the hassle of cleaning up the ashes. These models can be recessed into the wall or hung.

The majority of models have realistic ember beds as well as stunning flame effects. They can also be heated to warm rooms up to 400 square feet. Here are a few things to think about when selecting the best model for your home.

Contemporary Design

Modern fireplace wall mounts are a fantastic option to update your home. There are many wall-mounted electric models that look great in any room and are available in various finishes, ranging from sleek black to contemporary stainless steel. Some even feature glamorous mirror glass. Pick a frame color that coordinates with your existing wall color to create a seamless appearance. Then, add an LCD TV to complete your contemporary design.

Consider a wood burning mount to bring rustic charm to your modern-day design. Its gorgeous shiplap mantle could be used to display photos as well as other items of decor and also offers space to store DVDs and CDs. It also comes with a built-in speaker, so you can enjoy your favorite music while you relax. You can also mount a flat-screen TV for an thrilling movie night.

Another option that is great for your modern design is natural stone fireplace wall mount. This can be a beautiful feature to your living room or bedroom, and it comes in a variety of finishes, ranging from neutral to rich hues. Its sleek design can be placed well beneath a flat-screen television and can be set with a mantel made of wood that matches or complements it for a cohesive style.

A fireplace wall mount is a great way to modernize your home without investing in major renovations. It can also be put in on a new construction, allowing you to benefit from the latest technology in home design and energy efficiency. If you are on a tight budget, you could choose a gas wall-mounted unit that has a ventless burner for an inexpensive but effective alternative to traditional heating systems.

The wall-mounted fireplace is either recessed or flush depending on your preference and the space available in your home. A fireplace that is recessed will require the cutting of a hole into the ceiling of your home, and may require additional electrical work. A flush-mounted fireplace can be placed close to the wall and require no additional space. However, it may not be ideal for every home, as it isn't as efficient as a fireplace that is recessed.

Energy Efficiency

A fireplace wall mount could be a great option for homes that require warmth but do not want to worry about chimney cleaning and installation. It's also an excellent option for commercial spaces, like restaurants or offices. No matter where you install it, it will add a beautiful aesthetic to your space.

If you're thinking about a fireplace wall mount, there are a few things you must keep in mind before making your purchase. Be sure to check the reputation of the manufacturer before you make your purchase. You don't want a fireplace that doesn't function properly or appears to be cheap. You should also select a company that has multiple warranty options in case you have any issues with your purchase.

You should also think about the energy efficiency of the fireplace. Electric fireplaces are incredibly efficient because they convert electricity into heat without generating any other byproducts, like waste gases or smoke. This makes them an ideal option for businesses and homes who want to lower their carbon footprint.

Ethanol fireplaces are a great option when it comes to energy efficiency. They are available in a range of sizes, ranging from the tiny one-burner Senti model to the larger model with six burning. They can be utilized in existing masonry or prefabricated fireplace openings, and require minimal construction or actual installation. They can be put up on flat walls with mounting brackets which raise the fireplace up off the ground. This creates a decorative frame.

When installing a wall-mounted ethanol fireplace, ensure that you follow the manufacturer's guidelines for your particular model. This could include an easy step-by-step process which includes placing the studs on your wall, and then using the single bracket mounting system to secure the fireplace in its place. Once you've done that you'll need to connect the front glass to complete your installation.


A fireplace wall mount is more than just an attractive feature. It must also be functional that is, it must be able to heat the space efficiently. Luckily, there are many models available that can do both. However, picking electric fire for media wall can be a challenge particularly when there are a lot of different models to pick from.

It is important to consider the style of your house when deciding on your options. Make sure the fireplace blends seamlessly with your decor. For instance a fireplace in black would fit nicely in a modern or contemporary house, while natural stone or a wood model might look more appropriate in a rustic or traditional space.

The method of installation is a different factor to consider. Some units can be mounted to the wall, whereas others require integrated into the wall. This requires more time and effort since it involves cutting into the wall. It is a good idea if you are not a skilled construction worker, to hire a professional.

You can also select a fireplace wall mount that comes with a stand that can be used as a tabletop source of heat. This dual installation method is a great way to conserve space and gives you more options for design choices for your space. The Dimplex IgniteXL is a great example. This electric fireplace can be mounted on the surface or recessing into a 2x4 wall and has a sleek, contemporary look. It offers a variety of flame colors and ember bed media options, such as driftwood, crystals and logs.

Ambiance CLX 2 is a versatile option for those looking for more options. This wall-mounted electric fireplace can be mounted directly onto the wall or recessed into new construction or existing walls. It has a stunning fireplace that can be cut according to the dimensions of your interior. It also comes with an adjustable remote that can be set to multiple options and a variety of LED lighting that can be customized.

Another option is an alternative is the Electatic LED electric fireplace. This thin wall-mounted fireplace is simple to put up and can be put anywhere in your home. It has a slim profile and is equipped with an integrated heater. The remote lets you adjust the temperature and brightness of the fire as well as turn the lights off and on. The digital display shows the current settings.


In a modern house fireplaces are now an essential element of decor. One option that is popular is a wall mounted electric fireplace that offers the feel of a traditional masonry fireplace without the cost or hassle. MagikFlame provides a variety of these electric in-wall fireplaces. They can be mounted on the wall directly or built into the wall to meet your needs. They also include a decorative mantel that makes it easy for contractors and DIYers to add a modern wall-mounted electric fireplace in an upgrade or new construction project.

Another alternative is an ethanol fireplace which hangs on the wall as an art piece. They are a fantastic focal point for any space, and they also provide heat and real flames. These fireplaces are an excellent alternative to gas and wood-burning fireplaces. They're an excellent choice for homes with children. Ethanol fireplaces come in a range of sizes, from the compact Senti model to the statement-making Maximum model.

Ambiance CLX 2 is a wall-mounted electric fire with a unique look. This unit can either be installed directly to the wall or recessed into the wall. This lets homeowners choose the ideal location for the fireplace. The homeowners can select from five different options for surrounds that will enhance the decor of their home, such as stainless black stainless, stainless white metal, or matte black metal. The AL45CLX2-G features a contemporary linear style that is perfect for any room. It can be used with a TV or placed over a dresser or sofa.

You can select from a range of options from the Ignis range if you are seeking an ethanol fireplace that can be mounted to the wall. The Royal Electric Fireplace Series comes with options for customization, such as the choice of a white or black frame, logs, glass or pebbles, and remotes that let you to control the flame and heat. You can also control your room's ambiance by changing the lighting settings.

Installing a wall-mounted fireplace using ethanol is simple and simple. You'll need to cut holes in the wall and follow the manufacturer's directions to ensure that the hole is properly sized for the unit you are using. If you require a deeper you can either construct frames from lumber to "bump-out" the area in which you'll put the fireplace, or you can use drywall with a backing that is flame-resistant.